Friday, June 8, 2007

Miniature me

After having a cafe latte from Seattle's best this evening, I went home n had coke with dinner followed by coffee icecream. Imagine the caffeine effects on me. I was yapping away to glory with my sis first n then with my friends on the east. I started with how my day was and went on till I had given them more news than any popular news channel. When I ran out of topics, then I started telling them about this imaginary friend of mine(??) n cooked up some interesting stories. And my loyal friends couldn't do anything but listen to all my nonsense. Poor souls! I shouldn't be totally surprised if they all join hands and come up with a plan to get rid of me one of these days... :P

That reminds me... I was told that as a 3 yr old or so I was toooo imaginative. Apparently, I would bore the people around me by telling a story for everything that I see/hear - a leaf(starting with what that leaf was - didn't know much abt plants/trees but would come up with some names - n how it happened to be in that place at that moment), a lost kitten(starting with how it might have got lost and going on to the good times the kitten might have had with its previous owner) and how I saved this little(??) kid from some imaginary evil person and so on. I would boss around other kids in the neighbourhood (Well..if they were silly enough to believe my stories they deserved it!) I was very stubborn - If I couldn't have my way then all the hell would break loose. Now I'd only embarass myself if I mention any of those incidents here. I had an opinion about everything under the sun. But there were times when I was also terribly shy and wouldn't utter a word even if my mom persuaded. I'm not in a mood to say hello to this guest with his big moustache and why should I hug this strange uncle - he always has this paper in his mouth with smoke on one end (I couldn't even say "cigarette") were my arguments.

Looks like I haven't changed much in the last 2 decades.. :-) I have mellowed down quite a bit over time owing to some schooling n some happy as well as unpleasant incidents. But I still come up with stories (like the imaginary perfect guy for instance) n I continue to bore people.. I wonder though as to how it'll be like if I ever had to deal with a miniature version of me (the 3 yr old kid). I'd definitely not want to be the victim of her moodiness or stubborness but I'd love to hear all the stories n opinions!

My caffeine effect is wearing off now.. so have to catch up on my sleep. Tomorrow I have to prepare for my finals, get done with the projects, finish up the extended studies class (lot of homework :(( ) n then prepare for the interviews... adios!

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