Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Magic Faraway tree

I came across a picture of the book (The Magic Faraway tree by Enid Blyton) the other day. The image brought back memories of the happy times I had as a kid reading this book and others (Famous five, The Five Find-Outers and Dog, Chandama, Tinkle). It used to be such fun imagining the characters, their adventures, all the goodies that they get to eat (yummy :) ). Thanks to orkut for bringing back sweet memories of friends, videos, books and other things, which I once loved as a kid but which were forgotten over time! And thanks to all the people who introduced me to these wonderful books! No movie, no ride in any amusement park can get me as excited, happy, peaceful and wise too (all at the same instant) as a good book does .

My life needs a rewind and erase button

My life needs a rewind and replay button


Karteek said...

For lazy guys like me, the pic of the book is here @

To be frank, when I see those kind of pics, I feel bad .. very bad for wasting my childhood. I never sat among a load of books in my life studying like a book worm, but I certainly never enjoyed my life like a kid when I was a kid. I never enjoyed my life like a teenager when I was in my teenage.

At any age what I've done either makes me look matured or very stupid. Nothing was normal in my life which really makes me complicated, even for myself. Today .. I can tell one thing ...

My life needs a rewind and edit function
- K ;)

Go Karts! said...

tsk tsk!